Friday, 5 May 2017

Nulla Succede Per Caso!

6.30am. If there was no delay and everything went as planned, I'm flying right now. Literally. Next stop: Milan!

"Nothing happens by chance!" - This quote started making sense in my life a few years ago with the person who, in a few hours, will also fly to the same destination.

It's been 2 years since I took a plane from Lisbon to start a new chapter in Liverpool, and now here I am again in the clouds. This time it is only for a weekend (extended), but with many adventures in sight.
If nothing happens by chance there will certainly be a reason to be travelling again exactly 2 years after one of the biggest changes of my (can I still say short?) life, but that I will know in the right time when I'll have to connect the points. The date, this one was chosen by me completely at random and only later I realized the "coincidence", but let's start at the beginning.

One day when I was bathing (where the most stupid, or extraordinary, ideas come from, depends on the point of view) I thought that travelling with two of my friends who have been with me since always could be a very beautiful way to keep us connected. Since I came to Liverpool, Sofia went to Rotterdam and Claudia stayed in Lisbon, we seem to be always in different ways. When I go to Lisbon Sofia is coming back to Rotterdam, or Claudia is going somewhere else so we are never together individually, not even speaking in being the 3 of us together.
I had the responsibility of choosing a city, a date and dealing with everything and so I did. I looked for something that was common for the three, since each one would go from different places and within the options was: Milan, May 5-8. We all had a good feeling about this one, even being a surprise for them at the begining.

Mentioning with a colleague, and saying in English the date on which I was travelling, I realized that it was the same date that I arrived here. I smiled. He said "Maybe you’ll live there too!" It's not in my plans, but it's funny, isn’t it?

Unfortunately Sofia could not come, but I'm sure there will be many more flights coming for us! After all nulla succede per caso!


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